Saturday 9 October 2021


This game really caught my eye back in the day. Psygnosis took out a two page advert in Total PlayStation and the artwork just wowed me. The art style, music and dark story, filled with tragedy, despair and desperate attempts at holding on to hope really struck me. I've always had a soft spot for it.

I never beat it though; Alundra is one of the hardest RPGs I have ever played, far too difficult for my 13/14 year old brain at the time. Even now it's brutally hard. Puzzles can span multiple screens, involve timers and absolute jank top down 2D perspective platforming as well as respawning enemies.  The game is genuinely too hard for its own good, I can't imagine many people ever completed it.

Still, it pulls me back in. I love the game world and want to finally see it through. I need to see what happens in this story.