I've done it, I've beat the red Game
Guadia! He kicked my arse the first 4 times I tried to beat him and when I was finally making progress on my fourth try my first two characters ran out of mp (they
couldn't heal and didn't have any healing items). I stocked up on Wild Herbs and bought myself a Gold Orb to help lower his stats. First I used the last remaining
Guardianip I had to lower all of his stats by 50 and then
quickly threw the gold orb at
him to lower them again by 30. His attacks were still powerful though so I spent the next few rounds buffing my team up with offensive and defensive spells while attempting to keep my HP up. The green Game
Guadia I'd previously made a pact with helped with healing every now and then which helped when the red Game
Guadia decided to do party wide attacks that did upwards of 100 damage. Once I'd made it through all that I started to try and take him down but even with his stats
lowered as far as they could go and my def maxed out his special attacks would still do crazy amounts of damage. I got my magic user to increase the
str on my fighter in the hopes that I could take him down faster while having everyone heal when needed. It was
working until he sent a
continuous barrage of special attacks at them eventually taking two characters down. I quickly revived them with magic and items but it wasn't long before the magic user was dead and my revive items were depleted. Then the second character went down and it was just my fighter. Luckily he could withstand the attacks as long as he could heal
every time the enemy Game
Guadia did a special attack. When a normal attack was used against him I'd have him hit back and somehow, I won! It was getting close, my health items were running out and I didn't know how long I could keep it up, if he'd used his special attacks all the time I'd have had to keep healing until I ran out of items and died.
Thankfully he didn't :)

So that's that. I've beaten the game, defeated all of the special bosses, made a pact with the most powerful Guadia in the game and got the most powerful sword in the game by defeating that Guadia. It's a shame it's not longer really, I had a blast.
Cosmic Gate, Guadia Quest and Robot Ninja Haggle Man 3 have all been beaten, I think I'll go through Haggle Man 1 and 2 now.